Safety Poster Contest

Every year NJSTS sponsors the New Jersey and National School Bus Safety Poster Contests. Students in New Jersey who are enrolled in public, parochial, or private elementary or middle schools (plus High School for Division 4 only) are eligible to enter.  The theme for 2023 is “Driving Safely Into The Future”.  Posters must be postmarked before midnight, April 17, 2024.

2023-24 Safety Poster Contest Flyer

There are six divisions included in the contest:
Division 1:  Grades K-2
Division 2:  Grades 3-5
Division 3:  Grades 6-8
Division 4:  Special Needs (Grades K-12)
Division 5:  CAD (Computer Aided Drawing)
Division 6:  International Entries

Students are asked to draw a poster depicting the current year’s theme.  The theme for 2022 wass “Safely Rolling to My Destination.” The theme for 2021 was “1 Bus + 1 Driver = a BIG Impact on Education.”  The theme for 2020 was “Be Safe – Know the Danger Zone.” The theme for 2019 was “Red Lights Mean STOP!”  The 2018 theme was “My School Bus, The Safest Form of Student Transportation.  The 2017 theme was “My Driver – My Safety Hero.”  The 2016 theme was “#Stop on Red.”  The 2015 theme was: “Bully Free Zone.”

Prizes are be awarded in each division as follows:


1st Place $100.00 Gift Card
2nd Place $75.00 Gift Card
3rd Place $50.00 Gift Card

Also, the school of the 1st Place poster in each division will get a $100 gift card.

The 1st Place poster from each division is entered into the National Poster Contest.

For more information and to download a blank entry form:

2023-2024 Safety Poster Contest Flyer

2023-2024 Safety Poster Contest Winners

2021-2022 Safety Poster Contest Winners

2020 Safety Poster Contest Winners

2019 Safety Poster Contest Winners

2018 Safety Poster Contest Winners

2017 Safety Poster Contest Winners